Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reality show.

You know what I hate the most about reality shows? The sympathy.

For some reasons, it really ticks me off when someone started crying or pleading in reality show,nationwide, in front of the freaking camera. Like those in American Idol for instance, the contestant are being interviewed personally and tells about themselves. It's really cool to tell about themselves but it's just not cool anymore when they started to tell about their lost ones or the tragic story which so far has nothing to do with singing.

I'm 30 years old from town bla bla and I work at costco. 2 years ago, I had a tragic accident which almost caused my life

then there's the sound of the violin come in the background and you can guess how the rest of the story goes. I mean really, what does having a tragic accident has anything to do with singing? Well unless you were mute before then miraculously you get your voice back by choking on a churro then it's acceptable. If I get to be on reality shows, my story would go down like this -->

I'm 20 years old from town Loserville. I'm a part time student at LSU(Loserville State University) and a part time street performer. I used to live with my angry cat, Louie. She used to torture me, keep claw-ing me, and she wouldn't let me go out of the house. She would guard the door everytime and flash her shiny claws whenever I pisses her off. It's really a traumatizing experience..and..anddd...I'm sorryy I can't talk about it..too traumatizing..
No. I was only joking. My cat wouldn't do that.

Another thing that really pisses me off about reality show is when people can't handle rejection.
People, if you sucked, then you really sucked. Bugger off. Get movin'. But they won't, they'd still plead and worst of all, they can't handle it when the judges tell them that they suck and it always go down like this-->
You know what judges, fuck you! You can't even sing yourselves!
Yeahh...people, that's totally and utterly lame. And those family member and friends or anyone who told them that they're actually good in singing and urges them to try out for the audition. Then BAM! They get rejected plus some extra comments from the judges that contradicts to what the loved ones said about their singing. Yeahh..they might want to check it again if their loved ones actually love them or just trying to pull a prank on them. You know if the situation goes like this -->

You : So mom, how's my voice?
Your mom :*squeaks*'re dang good. You should try out for the audition son.
You : Really?! Awww.

My advice, check again.

Speaking of loveee, I was bombarded by this ad the other day while I was streaming a movie online. was creepy. I thought it was really meant for me until I realized it was an ad. Cuz you know, it kinda look like msn. but anyways, my reply was gonna be " I've never had any lesbian experience, I could try some" and very honestly, I really go back and think if I dated any girls back in High school. I mean who knows right if I have some random creepy female stalker back but then dang it, she's too hot for me, way outta my league. There goes my lesbian experience :[

And oh, I've gotten my Student ID. I sort of mentioned about flashin my ID card on here but it really look like shit. The card was cool minus the picture. The picture was shit.

Well, until then, I hope you're all well and have a good weekend.

P/s : Lol, I wasn't referring to any specific individuals this is just my 2 cents. So really, bugger off. Leave me alone :P